The menstrual cup has become an increasingly popular choice of menstrual hygiene product in recent years, yet its use still raises more questions than solutions. From the idea that wearing a cup is uncomfortable to false notions about the cup being difficult to use, let's discuss each of these myths.


The idea that menstrual cups are uncomfortable or painful is a common misconception. This myth is often perpetuated by those who are unfamiliar with menstrual cups, or who have had a bad experience with one. Menstrual cups are actually designed to be comfortable and painless, and when used correctly, they can offer a far more pleasant experience than pads or tampons.The key to successful and comfortable use of a menstrual cup is to ensure that it is inserted correctly. This is a simple process, but if it is not done correctly then the cup can be uncomfortable or even painful. Ensuring that the cup is inserted correctly also helps to prevent any leakage. Once it is correctly in place, the cup should be comfortable and barely noticeable.Most women who switch to a menstrual cup report that it is a much more comfortable experience than using tampons or pads. The cup creates a seal against the walls of the vagina, which can help to reduce cramping and other discomforts associated with periods. Additionally, the cup can be left in for up to 12 hours, meaning that there is no need for frequent changing.Overall, the idea of menstrual cups being uncomfortable or painful is a myth.


Menstrual cups are often thought to cause infection due to their close contact with the body. However, this simply isn't true. Menstrual cups are made of medical grade silicon, and can be safely used by people who are prone to infections. The cups are designed to be leak-proof, and are meant to be kept in the body for up to 12 hours. This means that the risk of bacteria entering the body is extremely low.In addition, menstrual cups should be washed with soap and water both before and after use. This eliminates any potential bacteria that may be present, and ensures that the cup is clean and hygienic. The water temperature should also be taken into account, as hot water can damage the cup. By taking the proper precautions, users can minimize the risk of infection.It is also important to remember that menstrual cups only come into contact with the vagina, not the urethra. Therefore, using a menstrual cup should not cause urinary tract infections. In fact, using a menstrual cup can even provide a protective barrier between the vagina and urethra, reducing the chances of acquiring a UTI.


The misconception that it is not suitable for those who have an intrauterine device (IUD) is not true. It is possible to use a menstrual cup if you have an IUD, although there are some important considerations to keep in mind.The most important thing to remember is that you should always check with your doctor before inserting or removing a menstrual cup if you have an IUD. This is because there is a risk of the IUD being displaced, which can cause serious complications. Before inserting the cup, it is important to make sure your IUD strings are in a position that will allow the cup to pass comfortably.When using a menstrual cup, you should also be mindful of any changes in your IUD string. If you notice any unusual changes, it is important to consult a doctor right away. If the strings are too long, the cup may be difficult to remove and you should seek medical advice.Finally, it is important to empty and clean the menstrual cup regularly. This will help to keep your menstrual cup in good condition and reduce the risk of any complications.


Menstrual cups are designed to be comfortable, safe and easy to use, and they cannot get lost inside the vagina.When using a menstrual cup, it is important to ensure that it is inserted correctly – with the cup’s stem pointing downwards and the cup’s rim resting against the vaginal walls. It is also important to ensure that the cup has been properly released – with the stem gently pulled until it pops out. If the cup has been inserted correctly and released properly, it will remain in the correct position and will not get lost inside the vagina.

The vagina is a closed system and menstrual cups are designed to be much smaller than the vaginal opening, so it is impossible for them to travel further into the body. Even if the cup does slip down too far, the stem should remain outside of the body to enable removal.


The notion that ‘virgins can’t use a menstrual cup’ is a complete myth. Menstrual cups are a safe and hygienic option for menstrual management no matter one’s sexual experience. Menstrual cups are a safe and hygienic type of period product, and are an option for anyone and everyone who menstruates.Menstrual cups are inserted into the vagina, and can be worn for up to 12 hours. As long as it’s the correct size and fit, there should be no problems with insertion or removal of the cup—no matter your experience level. It is important to note, however, that it may take some getting used to, and a few cycles to perfect the presence and removal of the cup.It is also important to ensure that the cup is inserted correctly, as this is key to a comfortable and successful experience. This can be done by folding the cup and inserting it, or by using a C-fold. Once the cup is in the correct snug position, it will create a suction seal and collects your menstrual flow.


This belief is completely false, as a menstrual cup does not interfere with the normal functioning of the bladder or bowel. The menstrual cup is designed to be worn internally and does not block the urethra or the rectum. It is shaped like a bell with a small stem and rim, and is held in place by the pelvic floor muscles. The cup collects menstrual fluid and is emptied every few hours, depending on your flow, so it’s important to learn how to remove and replace it correctly.It is absolutely safe to pee or poo while wearing a menstrual cup. In fact, doing so can help to prevent leaks, as the cup will move slightly, allowing the urine or faeces to pass through the rim. It is important to note, however, that the cup should not be moved around too much to avoid any discomfort.