Menstrual Cups Break Stigmas,Not Hymens
A lot of adolescent and unmarried women in India want to switch to menstrual cups or at least try them. What is holding them back is the fear of breaking their “HYMEN”.Young girls tell us this major concern: Will using a menstrual cup make me lose my virginity? It’s understandable: for us girls, keeping our virginity intact has been deeply ingrained in our society.
Our virginity looms over us. But we don’t even talk about it. So let’s !!!
Who is a virgin?
A virgin is a person who has never had sexual intercourse. But using a menstrual cup, or a tampon doesn’t mean you’ve had sexual intercourse. Then why are we worried?
Your hymen:
The hymen is a thin tissue located at the opening of the vagina. Women are born with different kinds of hymens and some are born with so little tissue that it seems like they don’t even have a hymen.
Menstrual Cup and Virginity
Girls are worried their hymen will ‘break’ if they use a menstrual cup, since it has to be folded and inserted inside your vagina. Some hymens will already be stretched or ‘torn’ before you have sexual intercourse, from a variety of activities like strenuous sports. And for some girls, after sexual intercourse, tic enough to just stretch and not tear, causing no bleeding.
It is also your body, and you have the right to do something you believe is right and okay. If you want to use a menstrual cup, for a positive reason, the only voice that matters is yours. And if you use it, your hymen might stretch, or it won’t be affected at all. But you’ll still be a “VIRGIN”